Monday 3 August 2009

Croatia 1

A much anticipated holiday with Cathryn & granddaughters Amie & Daisy, together with Michael & Dan proved to be much more than was expected and most enjoyable. Staying at a villa about 10km from Dubrovnik, we had a fabulous outlook over the inlet to Zaton and across to the islands of Kolacep and Lopud. The villa was on the face of a cliff, extending over several levels of villa and garden, down to a pool and then the sea. In all, 303 steps separated the road above and the sea below! Yours truly found the 90 odd up and down to the villa rather taxing - threequarter sized, they were too small to fit a full foot onto, and too big to take two at a time! But, the prize was the views. The villa was owned by a family and had survived Serbian occupation during the time of the Balkans conflicts, having to be refurbished extensively after being trashed by the Serbs. More recently it had hosted Lady Jane Fellowes (older sister of the late Princess Diana) and her husband, and two travel writers, accounts of both being proudly displayed in cuttings on a lounge wall. The owners came by every other day to water the award winning garden and their daughter-in-law also kept in touch. A very pleasant place with plenty of space to have days at home interspersed with days out, without feeling cramped. I only managed 3 books, but Cathryn managed 4! Relaxing or what - yep, for sure!

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