Thursday 30 December 2010

White Christmas in Church Lench

Cathryn was due to be working, as were Lorna & Scott, so we decided to have an early Christmas Lunch on Sunday 19 Dec.  In some respects, we were even luckier that we had planned because of the weather.  Jean, Lorna & Scott arrived on Friday night, which was just as well because 15in of snow fell in a matter of hours the following morning, essentially cutting off Church Lench to all but tractors and 4x4s with the right tyres.

Temperatures had been well below freezing for some days and on two nights it went down to -19C in the area, so the snow wasn't going anywhere, plus some further falls came later.  Cathryn declined to try and get to us on Saturday as road conditions were very uncertain, even though she has a 4x4, but did make it with Simon and the girls on Sunday.  We enjoyed a Christmas lunch with all the trimmings on Sunday and were pretty house-bound for a few days, but Cathryn & Co got home ok later that night even though it was pretty treacherous.
Anticipating further snow, already having delayed by a day, we decided to dig out the two cars on the drive and get mine out of the garage, so the visitors could return home and I could get to London to see Michael & Dan, plus Jean's other daughter Hannah, which all happened ok.
More snow did fall while I was away so I offered to pick up village friend  Sarah's son Andrew from Heathrow, joining her for Christmas from Singapore, on my way back home.  Conditions in CL had deteriorated again as the snow compacted and froze, so conditions were slippy to say the least.
On Christmas Day I did manage to get across the snow and ice to see Cathryn & Co before she went to work and enjoy a hearty cooked breakfast with them all, and also spent most of the 27th with them and Simon's parents and children as well.  Otherwise, it was an unusually quiet holiday period for me.  The snow has started to melt as the temperature has now risen, but there are still clumps of it about and dangerous patches on the road.  I should be able to clay shoot this coming Sunday and the golf course should be able to open next week as well, hopefully.
Enough of a White Christmas for a few years!

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