Friday 30 March 2012

Vietnam - Traffic!

The use of the motorcycle as a means of transport for families and materials continues to fascinate me, even more so now that I ride myself.  The chap with the sacks on the back is carrying seven of them, 60 kg each, a total of 420kg.  Typically, the motorcycle would have a passenger and cargo limit total of something like 150kg!  The rear tyre must be pumped up to about twice its normal pressure.

And, the weaving of motorcycles among other traffic remains utterly mesmerising, and we amazingly saw no accidents.

Some footage is from the road, one piece taken on the pavement to demonstrate that this is the same as the road, and there is relatively mild example of the situation at a junction, but I was able to view it from above, which gave it the edge.  I don't have good footage of the chap with the large fridge on the back of his motorcycle, or the family of five, or the little kids without helmets, or those with just what looked like baseball helmets etc etc.

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