Tuesday 30 July 2013


Michael and Dan took me power-boating on Southampton Water and what a great experience we had!  The weather was perfect and we arrived early to set ourselves up with a hearty breakfast baguette in a local marina cafe.

First, we set off in a Honda racing boat with a 150hp outboard, capable of 35nm/h, and we all got a chance to drive.  The water was relatively calm, but excitement was gain by crossing the wakes of other boats, including ferries, several times being airborne!

Next up was a Jet Viper with a 450hp engine, very fast, and the back half of which is rather like those banana things you see towed by speedboats at the beach!  Apart from being fast, it is also incredibly manoeuvrable and can pull very tight turns.  We also made a few airborne passes over waves on this and, at times, the waves were over shoulder height during these tight turns on the jockey seats at the stern at quite a tilt.  No wonder they asked us if anyone had a bad back or heart condition before we left!

And to round it off, here's a compilation of video clips taken during our great time out together:

All in, a fantastic experience, thank you boys!

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