Sunday 22 May 2022

France 22

Hugh & Tammy timed their trip perfectly to exploit Covid restrictions being lifted in Australia and start their 4 month European Tour, delayed from last year, in Malta. Some weeks and countries later, they made it to Maison Labarde, Lot-et-Garonne, in south-west France for the planned respite from packing and moving. We were lucky to be invited to join them again - we had stayed there with them in 2018 - and it was every bit as great a place to spend some time with them once more. It's pretty and peaceful and just the place for a spot of relaxation to catch up with friends.

Jean chilling out on the veranda

There was a considerable amount of lounging about and taking it easy, soaking up the perfect weather. There was a storm in the evening of the day we arrived and it cleared the air nicely, so the temperatures in the low 30s were very pleasant.

Inevitably food was eaten and wine was taken, as it must be, and there was much reminiscing by Hugh and self, probably repeating adventures and stories from our pasts around the World, although age has brough the benefit of making it feel like we were telling or hearing them for the first time in some cases!

Hugh showed off his prowess at the BBQ a couple of times, although muttered about the heat of the setting sun, so Jean grabbed her umbrella to try and shield him a tad.

Toulouse brick (relatively thin) wall on a building in Villeneuve-sur-Lot

The River Lot

Coffee stop

Yes, it was tough keeping pace!

Nightcaps were enjoyed beyond midnight after outings to two excellent local restaurants nearby so the oldies are holding up. No World problems were solved although some were debated. Departed colleagues and friends from the past were remembered and the demise of C&W inevitably crept in too. Fortunately, it seemed Tammy & Jean had plenty to talk about too, while Hugh and I meandered through our past experiences, many formative and some funny, even risky, since first meeting on the train at Paddington in December 1965 to head for Porthcurno for 18 months and then a "Life Abroad", as the brochure said that attracted us. It's a long and valued friendship, good grief, from approaching 60 years ago!

It was only a few days, but most relaxing and enjoyable to see them again, over and above the reminiscences. We returned home as they returned to the trail of catching up with friends and family in other places on their European Tour.

We wait to host them in Church Lench next month and catch up with them again in south-west Ireland in July, so more to come and be enjoyed!


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