Wednesday 27 June 2007

The Trip Home - Final Leg

The crossing wasn't bad, although many others were moaning when I went for breakfast. The weather was grey and dull and we had just begun to pick up news of flooding and heavy rains in UK, so it was with some trepidation that we kitted up for rain on arrival. This turned out to be unnecessary and we had a dry, sometimes sunny, ride home after unloading the bikes and seeing the V-Rod man being loaded onto an AA recovery vehicle. Mark pressed on home because of the real threat of flooding at his Worcester home, realised in the early hours of the following morning. Ian and Jackie did the same to attend her son's 18th that evening. Craig, Sue and I called in at the H-D dealer at Bridgewater as it is a particularly big one and had a browse as you do. I got yet another T-shirt to add to my ever-growing Harley collection! Everybody moans that they keep doing it, but just keep doing it anyway!
I got home just after 5pm on the 26th, just over 1,700 miles and 9 nights after leaving home, feeling a bit weary but exhilirated by the experience - the riding, the scenery of changing landscape, the company and, of course, the Rally itself.
It's the most riding in two trips to France & Spain that I have ever done and I have learned a lot and enjoyed them both immensely. Now, I'd better get some golf in before the next society match, otherwise I'll be in trouble with the partner!

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