Thursday 1 March 2007


So, there I am looking cool as always, but I didn't miss his suitcase coming out of the loft, although I note it's got nothing in it yet so he's not that prepared. I know summat's up and I might even be going to Sarah's for a while. And there we were walking down the road this afternoon and who do we encounter but Sarah, whose car has just been seriously shunted from behind. No way I'm going to get in the boot now as it wont even open! In fact, I just heard him being told that it's been taken away to the car hospital already. Anyway, he talked for a while and consoled, then we wander off for the afternoon perambulation. See, I just can't help myself and just love to chase the birds (the feathered kind, 'cos I've been snipped - yeah, that's another thing too!). So, my ear gets caught, see, and there's blood everywhere. After trying to wash me, rather unsuccessfully I might add, although I normally love it, he decides I need to go the vet. Does he not yet know how much I hate the place, and I was only there for my annual Kennel Cough last week! I thought he saw me trembling? Nice young vet though when I got to see her, but I couldn't help shaking my head again and again to spray blood all over him, her floor and walls. She fiddled a bit, gave me a jab, said the bit hanging from my ear would dry up and fall off, that I would have a nice 'V' forever, and gave him some pills to try to get me to take (hah!). Teach him to think that all is under control! No car to ride in from tomorrow when he goes off for the weekend, I'm likely to mess up my best friend's house when I get there, and I wont be able to play so energetically with my best black labrador friend, Tess, without the risk of getting all messy again................What a dog's life for Benji! (Might get some extra treats if sympathy prevails though?).

1 comment:

Michael Karen Dodson said...

Poor Benji, I expect he'll get loads of TLC from Sarah and be allowed on ALL the furniture which HE doesn't allow. Still I hope he enjoys his weekend away