Friday 1 August 2008

Barbados 3

For our final night of our Reunion in Barbados, Brian hosted a cocktail party for us plus a few others, and Josie laid on a brilliant spread of food. There was further reminiscing before we parted with a loose commitment to try and get the whole Group together again somewhere at 45 or 50 years on from being together in Cornwall from ’65-67. Hugh & Tammy departed for St Lucia the next day, but we should catch up with them there.

We did some further touring with Brian, Josie & Katy on our last full day, along the East coast, which is much less popular because of strong currents. But, it has a fine breeze from the Atlantic and is somewhat cooler than the rather overbuilt West. We visited Nicholas Abbey, a Jacobean house from the mid-17th century. There were two notable features here – a fascinating multifunctional chair and a Thomas Crapper (The Venerable) loo! Brian barbequed steaks and we spent a pleasurable evening on his veranda for our last evening with them. They saw us off at the airport as we left for St Lucia after a very enjoyable time in Barbados the next day (Monday 29th). Four islands down and just over half-way, it seems ages since we were in Antigua!

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