Saturday 2 August 2008

St Lucia 3

Our last day was one of 5 mins showers (read tropical downpour) every 15 mins or so and this governed what we did. A short drive to Soufriere, where we found the cafĂ© that meets all needs – fags, booze, various painkillers and Viagra! Then we went further up the west coast gave some great views of the Pitons and a volcanic basin with sulphur springs. The springs were worth a visit with bubbling mud, water and steam along with a pungent sulphurous smell. Our guide advised that it was “a good opportunity to release human gases”! We also learned a bit about the formation of the Pitons and past volcanic history from him, as well as the story of guide Gabriel who fell through the crust to be seriously burnt and have a hot pool hole named after him! On return to Jalousie, a prolonged downpour limited getting about.

All in all, we enjoyed another, unexpected and lovely venue for 1 night, although we would not have wished to have spent the whole time there, and it was great to meet up with Hugh & Tammy again before we each continued our travels. St Lucia is a rain forest island very like Dominica, but distinct from it, so we have continued to enjoy different experiences in the choice of locations. Tomorrow brings more uncertainty from LIAT as we endeavour to get to St Vincent with them to connect to a charter flight to Bequia. If LIAT and the charter work, we can enjoy the afternoon in Bequia.

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