Tuesday 8 July 2008

Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary - Minehead #3

The entertainment was pretty good - two great comedians - a Peter Kay act who was spot on, and a chap from Canada who had a lot of Harley material having performed at the 100th Party in Milwaukee in 2003 who was hilarious. One, we didn't see, was a Billy Connolly tribute who was apparently poor. There were some good bands, topped by an excellent Neil Diamond on the last night, but apparently Madonna was booed off! A few T-shirts were bought as is normal practice, stoking the cupboard beyond capacity even more.
The food covered a spectrum - starting low with Burger King on the first night, Pizza Hut on the second, but an excellent meal cooked by our Director's wife in their apartment for 11 of us on Sunday. The Butlins breakfast was improved compared to the 100th and quite palatable. Liquid refreshments were taken in appropriate quantities, of course!

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