Wednesday 16 July 2008

Nevis 2

It was a rather random dip into the cocktail list yesterday, so order had to be restored to the sampling process today, Wednesday. After a walk up around the golf course, part of the resort – I went part way then watched the scenery and golf while Jean walked up to the top of Mahogany Hill - we then adjourned to the beachside bar to start at the top of the list – a refreshing El Fresco with stacks of citrus a rather good thirst quencher. To the beach brought sun, several dips in the sea, and then the wind got up blowing sand about after a couple of hours, so what could we do but withdraw to a cabana nearby to proceed further down the list – well you have to don’t you? It was uplifting to find that the list continues onto a second page, so more to go, and they’re all good so far! St Kitts, visible in the background from the beach bar, is on the agenda for a visit tomorrow. Sadly, the scenic railway tour around it doesn't happen until Saturday after we've gone, so will be missed. Dinner on the beach tonight, hopefully without too much sand blowing!

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