Monday 21 July 2008

Dominica 1

I recall advice from a past Company director – “Beware Euphoria, she’s a dirty bitch”! Following a trouble-free departure from the Nevis hotel, it was announced that our flight would be an hour late, actually nearer 1½, then we then noticed that the flight number on our boarding cards was not the same as our (confirmed) booking! Then I noticed we took off in the direction of St Kitts (opposite way to Antigua - another surprise coming I thought) and landed there to take on some more passengers! This further delay ate into the expected 3 hour stopover in Antigua, but we were still ok at that point. It was a Twin Otter, more suited for 14 children than some outsized adults, cosy or what, with some large indigenous bodies overflowing the edges of seats!

It was a bit of a pain to enter and exit Antigua immigration/customs just to retrieve our luggage, but I was (at that time anyway) heartened by the sight of it. Checking in for the next leg to Dominica, we were next told that the plane we had a (confirmed that morning) booking on was already full, but that we would transfer to one a little later. That too, however, was delayed and, when we finally got to Dominica, it was getting dark for the slow contour drive around the hilly spurs of the coast, missing quite a lot of walkers and stationary cars, we got to the hotel. But, the big but, our luggage was either in Antigua or Barbados, where the plane was heading for next. They say the airline, LIAT – Luggage In Another Terminal – yeah, but which one?

However, we were placated by a warm welcome at Beau Rive, a fine rum punch and a delicious dinner finished off with the best lime and ginger cheesecake I have ever tasted, yes, ever! Our host and owner explained that lost luggage was a common problem and loaned me 2 T-shirts, a toothbrush, some toothpaste, and the offer of some of his mother’s clothes for Jean if required! It’s only a 6 room hotel on the cliff, overlooking the sea and we were 2 of only 4 staying, brilliant! Brit Mark, ex-musician and song-writer, built the hotel 250 feet above the sea 9 years ago and really looks after his guests with local fruits and traditional dishes, having fallen in love with the island on a visit some time ago.

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