Wednesday 10 March 2010

Canberra 2

We spent a lot of time in the War Memorial and museum at the head of Anzac Parade, and could have spent a lot more. Australians acknowledge and respect those of theirs who have fallen and made the supreme sacrifice as well as their military and police service people in general. The museum facilities are extensive and we had a very informed guide showing us around, weaving a very human thread through his talk, linking events and families across time to tell the story of the effect of wars.
Anzac Parade sees many thousand turn out for a dawn service on that day in April. The Vietnam Memorial is one of those at the side of the Parade, a moving tribute to those lost in that war. Plagues note the recovery & burial of 2 soldiers' remains recovered only in 2007, more than 30 years after the war ended.
Our last memorial visit was to the Police Memorial, Federal and State.
We enjoyed a barbie with Anne & Bob's two daughters and their families, consuming a very fine steak and a respectable quantity of wine, and out last lunch, before leaving for Sydney, was overlooking Burley Griffin Lake on a lovely sunny day.

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